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join us for
the empowered artist workshop
happening September 11, 9am - 6pm et.

I am being interviewed for the Empowered Artist Workshop LIVE. It will bring together seven experts and gallery owner/art consultant/author Bridgette Mayer who will be leading the discussions, interviews, and questions into topics that are critical for artists if you want to level up your art career.
It is an all-day online event that will take place on
Saturday, September 11th from 9:00am – 6:00pm EST.
Make sure you catch it!
Sign up for this event and take advantage of knowing how to accomplish exactly what you are looking to create in your career with practical knowledge and information DIRECTLY FROM THE PEOPLE WHO WORK WITH ARTISTS EVERY SINGLE DAY. These are the art critics, curators, museum curators, public art and mural directors, gallery owners, community builders and financial wizards who write books on finance. THIS IS YOUR TIME AND THE TIME IS NOW!! START YOUR FALL OFF IN A POWERFUL WAY.
I have a discounted ticket for you to attend! Click below to redeem and sign up today!
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