BE. LONG. Dutoit Gallery, Nov 1-Nov 24, 2019

I Like Your Work in partnership with Dutoit Gallery is pleased to present Be. Long, an exhibition encompassing the work of 42 artists from around the world who work across a variety of media and subject matter, co-curated by Mychaelyn Michalec, David Linneweh and Erika b Hess.
Be. Long. speaks to belonging to a community and how participating in that community supports a long creative career. Artists do not create work in a vacuum, rather they are constantly responding to conversations, studio visits and seeing work. It is in this rich place of discovery and dialogue that artists are able to go into their studio and make work.
Work by: Alice Stone-Collins, Amanda Smith, Amy Sacksteder, Becky Bailey, Beth Humphrey, Bethanie Irons, Bridgette Bogle, Catlin Cartwright, Clara J Koons, Corey Lamb, Cori Crumrine, Derek Meier, Emanuele Pavarotti, Francis Sills, Gabe Langholtz, Jasmine Zelaya, Jessica Cannon, Jessica Simorte, Jon Duff, Kimberly LaVonne, Kassandra Palmer, Kate Sable, Laura Colomb, Lauren Peterson, Libby Saylor, Liz Rundorff Smith, Loren Erdrich, Manuela Gonzalez, Marcelina Gonzales, Max Manning, Melissa Murray, Peter Hastings, Rossie Stearns, Sarah E. Swist, Sarah Pater, Saskia Fleishman, Susan Carr, Tara Booth, Terri Foster, Tim Magenta, Victoria V. Nunley, Yuria Okamura
In addition to the physical show, we are thrilled to share Be. Long. Ing. Online Exhibition, an extension of the physical exhibition that includes the work of 30 artists.
Installation Shots Be. Long. Dutoit Gallery

Be. Long. Ing. Online Exhibition

Won't Water Your Mazes Acrylic & Woodcarving on Panel 96 "x 72" www.alexandrahemrick.com

Daybed oil on canvas 24x30 www.emilyroyer.net

Mismatched Shoes Mixed Media 41" x 27" www.ashleydahlke.com

Shadow of a Constellation Mixed Media 96 x 72 www.christiedenizio.com

J1 gouache, 20"x30" www.bimbolaakinbola.com

Lunch Break acrylic on canvas, 12" x 9" www.jsmallcreative.com

Se Fue La Luz Mixed Media 24 x 24 www.quinnbricenoartist.wixsite.com/mysite-1

Dancing in the Dark Acrylic 70" x 90" www.emiavora.com

You Were a Mixture of Light, Never to Forgive or Forget a Slight, Crystals & Acrylic, 42" x54" www.carolineliu.com

Hopeful Daffodils oil and acrylic on canvas, 16 x 19 www.christinarenfervogel.com

Delicate Nature Paper 18"x18"x9" www.emilymoores.com

Lucy oil on canvas 16x24 www.instagram.com/flux_white/

To Bend and Not to Break acrylic, 20" x24" www.genevievecohn.com

Sheets Mixed Media 6 ½”W x 34”H x 6”D www.gracesummanen.com

Outsider Perspective Acrylic on panel, 30 x 36 www.instagram.com/griffwallman/

Tap oil on panel 22x28 www.kellithompsonart.com

Joel Oil on Canvas, 24"x20" www.markmilroy.com

Telepresence oil on canvas, 30" x 40" www.kimandersonstudios.com

Squiggle Check Mixed Media 34x49 www.katherinespinella.virb.com

The Gift oil on canvas, 20" x 26" www.daniellewinger.com

Head on the Ground Mixed Media on paper, 30"x40” www.lauren-rice.com

High Life Shrine oil on canvas, 30"x30" www.nrpivoney.com

Passing Through Plywood 47" x 59" x 25" www.josh-johnson-art.com

Untitled Mixed media 8.4x4.5x2 www.lorettapark.com

Pink Rock Mixed media on fabric, 63"x50" www.nataliepetrosky.com

San Antonio Rose Prismacolor, 30" x 20" www.jessicaburkeartist.com

Lake Bottom oil on canvas 58x50in www.rebeccalitt.com

Girl's Night oil on paper on panel, 16" diameter www.teresa-dunn.com

Bags oil on canvas 40x30in www.kathyliao.com

Tracy's Mug Acrylic on canvas, 9x12 www.amybultena.com